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Your Inner Journey starts here!

Nieuw Binnen Sieraden Winkel Accessoires Story Instagram Ringen.png


Je voelt al een tijdje dat je behoefte hebt aan rust en verdieping en een nieuwe start in je leven wilt maken. Maar je weet even niet waar je moet beginnen. De Magic Retreat is de ideale eerste stap om nu te zetten. In 4 dagen tijd wordt je persoonlijk begeleid om jouw ' story ' te herschrijven. En te ontdekken dat er zoveel in jouw verborgen zit wat mag gaan schijnen.  Je verblijft op één van de mooiste en meest luxe plekken in Andalusië aan zee, wordt volledig in de watten gelegd en volgt een inspirerend en verdiepend programma om je weer op de rails te zetten. Deze Magic  Retreat is een cadeau aan jezelf en onvergetelijk. Slechts 4 plekken!

Januari 2025 - Andalusië


Unfold your Myth

Download my free e-book!
Trust your Inner Compass

(check je spam, soms beland het e-book daarin)

Je hebt een mail ontvangen met een link om dit heerlijke E-Book te downloaden

soulware sessions

You are a walking miracle!


How nice that I could meet you here. Yoga means:LINK. Yoga connect you with your true self and that makes you happier! It makes you feel (again) that you connected to yourself and the world around you. And that you can free yourself from fear and stress. Yoga also gives you energy and ensures that everything flows again. Yoga ensures that you can LET GO. Then there is SPACE for your true BEING. Do you wantWould you like to follow a professional coaching program? And get the most out of your life? Both my Golden Bird & SoulPath Pathways as well as my Masterclasses are aimed at connecting you with your Body & Soul.  Everything and always about ' deeper ' to dive into your life, get out of your comfort zone and manifest a life that resonates with your SoulPad. 

My greatest mission is to help you connect with your true self &  body to simply feel happy, freer  and stronger. . 

And last but not least: I organize very nice retreats, the

MAGIC RETREAT where you can fully charge and transform.

Do you feel freeand in your FLOW.

Everything you are looking for sit in you!


Manifest your life from your higher consciousness.

Everything you what you are looking for is in YOU


It took a while before, deep down, I realized the strength and possibilities in myself found. A process that I would not have wanted to miss and with which I can guide you. Because that is also in YOU! And that makes you more aware, more resilient,  happier and freer. I can't describe it any simpler. Through  yoga, meditation, bodywork, card readings, I am happy to provide you with all the TOOLS you need.


Hi beautiful 


Our Chefs

If you can breathe, you can do yoga


Upcoming Events

Dive deeper in your Journey

Eenvoudig Wit Tekst Strand Instagram Post.png

                        Rise 2024

Roze en bruin elegant kleding verhuur duurzame mode instagram verhaal.png

Magic Retreat April/May  2024 -Andalusia

Yoga means connection and goes so much deeper

and beyond doing yoga poses.

Yoga has completely transformed my life.

Through my yoga path:


I started listening to my InnerVoice,

Have I come to trust?

Did I stand behind myself, 

and I started living my SoulPurpose. 



what other people say

Marianne Berendse
Innovation Leadership

Aliye is a fantastic yoga teacher and her extensive knowledge base is both impressive and reassuring.She connects with all of us at the level we need to improve.

Suzanne de Moor
Business Owner - More Advice

The yoga & meditation retreat that Aliye organized in Andalusia was MAGICAL! Breathing,  yoga  & meditation. Connecting, nature & clean Air. Enjoying and discovering my own path through her coaching.  

Sandra M. 
Office manager

I followed the 'Heal your Body' training at the start of the lockdown in 2020. Online and from my own familiar environment. a very nice and expert training that has made me much more aware of my relationship with my body and my lifestyle and eating pattern. 

Migratory birds know exactly their direction to fly,  you have that same great compass inside of you, it's called INNER VOICE

Upcoming Events

Magic Happens

dive into our yoga retreats


20 november 2024

14:00 -16:00 

Masterclass  Manifesteren

Manifesteren kun je leren! Wat wil jij ECHT?

Vanuit een diepere laag in jezelf kun jij het leven manifesteren waar je van droomt! The impossible is possible. Dit wordt een middag met veel magie, dromen MAAR: Met beide benen op de grond en je voeten diep geworteld! Laat je verrassen en neem een kijkje in jouw toekomst!

47 euro - Livestream by Zoom


     22 januari 2025

         14:00 -16:00 

MasterClass - Heel JOUW lichaam

Your body is a Walking Wonder. What is your relationship with your body? What language does your body speak? You will experience your body very differently after this MasterClass. More conscious and respectful. Lots of 'soft' yoga postures, meditation, reflection, writing assignments, inspiration and nutrition and lifestyle advice. Suitable for everyone and no yoga or meditation experience required!

47 euros - LIVESTREAM by Zoom


November 27

2:00 PM -4:00 PM 

Masterclass A D E M E N

Leer alles over jouw ademhaling en het effect van een goede en rustige ademhaling op jouw leven. De voordelen van een bewuste ademhaling zijn teveel om op te noemen.  Fijne en handige tools om direct toe te passen in jouw Daily Life. 

47 euro - LiveStream by Zoom


23 - 25 januari 2025

 daily live

20:00 -21:00

Conscious Manifestion Challenge

A new year and we are all looking forward to it. In this Challenge you will really  ' deep  down'. Or ' High Up' ! What steps do you want to take? From a deeper level you come closer to your Inner Voice and you can take new steps with confidence. Beautiful and inspiring assignments, meditations and your gaze focused on the to create of your future from your deeper conscience.

Daily inspiration emails, live sessions & home assignments. 

49 euros - LiveStream by Zoom


november 2024 - data soon! 

Magic  Retreat Andalusië

Even helemaal niets...genieten van de zee, prachtige locatie, heerlijk ( vegan) food, de magie van het leven ervaren en je laten inspireren door  natuur, yoga en mooie verbindingen.

Deze retreat is echt een cadeau aan jezelf en er zijn maar beperkt aantal plekken beschikbaar!


21  - 23 maart 2025

07;30 - 08:00

Hello Morning - 3 -days Challenge

Get back your energy!For 3 days I will take you into my refreshing Morning Yoga Practice! Postures that wake you up and ensure that you start your day fit and rested. 


No experience necessary and all levels! 

27  euro - LIVESTREAM & By Zoom

collaboration & educations:

David Lloyd Logo Dark.png

Recognized certificate and trained
by PureYoga


Erkend Internationale 200-uur 

yoga teacher training 

Online LIVE Trainingen Eckhart Tolle:

Being the Light

Conscious Manifestation

School of Awakening

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